Sunday, August 23, 2015

Week 1: Overview

This is my first class and any extended exposure about the Indian culture/religion. I love epics such as Lord of the Rings, The Dark Tower, Harry Potter, etc. and am really excited that this class is based on similarly structured stories. I took the Mythology and Folklore online class last semester and LOVED the entire process so I am looking forward to this class!

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons. 12th Century stone sculpture of God Vishnu.

I was raised in a Baptist church and attended a private Christian school from the age of three until the 9th grade. I took a bible class each year and learned a lot about Christianity. However, after the age of about 13 I started moving away from organized religion of any sort for many different reasons. Fast forward 20 years. I began reading about all religions and their gods and goddesses because I was called to Craft on a spiritual level about three years ago. Indian religions never interested me although I am not sure why. I have however practiced yoga and have been trying to learn to meditate but I am still learning how to relax.

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